This is: The Portuguese Connection (2012)
Almost unbelievably, it was already time to start the process of heading for home! It was mildly annoying to find that, after all the hazy, murky conditions that we'd had to put up with, today dawned with that kind of clarity that promised a gloriously sunny winter's day ahead. C'est la vie, as they say! We returned to the little French bakery for breakfast, checked the times on the bus stop across the street and attended to final packing and formalities at the hotel. The journey to the airport was much more comfortable than on arrival: it was daylight, the service wasn't too busy and the air quality inside the coach was reasonable.
(Link to flight log in side panel)
Having arrived back in Frankfurt, we made our way through long and overheated corridors, including the A-B tunnel. Our Seoul-issued boarding passes already showed gate A56, so we headed towards the lounge in the new A Pier.
(Link to flight log in side panel)
Delivery of checked luggage at Copenhagen was
disappointingly slow, except of course for crew bags.
We eventually proceeded through the late-evening calm of Terminal 3
and across the road to the Hilton, where we were allocated a
top-floor Executive room. After a very long day indeed, I sank into
bed and was fast asleep within a couple of minutes.