Round The World and other travels

A frequent flyer's collection of trip diaries

May 2008 : Manchester : Concorde & Clouds

I made this cheeky little visit to Manchester just days after a five-week mega-trip, to meet up with the gang at the Concorde & Clouds Do, organised by E3A300. The second part of the name was a reference to the Cloud 23 bar at the Hilton Hotel, rather than to typical Mancunian weather, but as far as the Saturday was concerned, it might as well have been intended to reinforce the stereotype perception!

Manchester city centre

You can tell by the weather which pictures were taken on Saturday and which on Sunday!

Concorde Tour

On Sunday afternoon, we made a visit to the well-run viewing area at Manchester Airport for an excellent Technical Tour of G-BOAC, the BA flagship of the flagships that is based there.


Salford Quays

On Saturday afternoon, frequent-flyer friend Ross and I made the short trip by tram to Salford Quays, an area by the Manchester Ship Canal that is undergoing regeneration. It features the Imperial War Museum (North) and the Lowry Gallery, home of all those paintings of Matchstalk Men and Matchstalk Cats and Dogs (for those who remember the song).

Based at :-
Hilton (MAN Airport)
Hilton (Deansgate)