This is: Mexico 2019
With the sightseeing attended to on Thursday, today's focus was on the 'resort' aspect of Puerto Vallarta. We once again had a leisurely start to proceedings: on this occasion Bruce beat me to it and had bacon and scrambled eggs organised by the time I left my bedroom. With a dollop of leftover cream included in the eggs, this all went down very nicely indeed. Proceedings were then sufficiently laid back that it was just after 1130 when we ventured out and down the steep hill into town. As previously, the first stop was Starbucks for an all-but-obligatory caffeine fix.
We once again made our way through Old
Vallarta to the beach and were lucky enough to find a couple of
unoccupied deck chairs at a venue called Blue Chairs. The deal here
was that, while chairs were normally chargeable, you could avoid
this simply by ordering drinks and/or food. We spent around three
hours chilling out just by ordering a total of two beers each.
At 1530 we realised that it was time to get some late lunch. This was achieved simply by transferring to the establishment's restaurant area. I enjoyed a good portion of shrimp-stuffed avocado and approximately half a plate of fries, Bruce and I having decided to split a single order. These were washed down with another beer. When we were done, we picked up a final top-up of supplies for the apartment and then completed the journey 'home' by Uber.
Back at base, we drank some tequila and put on some final washing for this destination. In due course, we ate some pasties that we had bought on the way back from the beach. Yes, pasties (as in Cornish) - not empanadas. Apparently, the Cornish word was adopted when miners from that part of Britain moved to Mexico in the 19th and early 20th centuries.
Finally, with our stay in Puerto Vallarta rapidly drawing to a close, there was a need to get packed and set our alarms for the perfectly hideous time of 0545.