This is: Indian Ocean 2012
For some reason, the first thing I thought of when I woke up was that it was a special public holiday at home to mark the Queen's 60th anniversary on the throne. With the normal Spring Bank Holiday having been put back a week to Monday 4 June, this would be the final part of a four-day weekend for people at home, when they eventually woke up in several hours' time. I went for breakfast shortly after 0800 and managed to get a seat indoors for the first time. I decided to take a short walk on the beach and really enjoyed it in this near-deserted, early-morning state. The grounds of the hotel looked similarly pristine, as yet unsullied by sun-worshippers.
The purpose of the call was to request that I move to a different room at 1200, in order to accommodate an incoming guest. It seemed a reasonable request, given that the hotel was being so accommodating with my own schedule. A porter arrived at 1215 and helped me move the short distance to 423, on the other side of the lobby. The new room was remarkably similar to the one I'd just left, except that it was twin-bedded and accessible to disabled people. I couldn't help noticing a layer of dust on the furnishings, to say nothing of two large insects in the bathroom, one dead and the other not far off it.
was straightforward, except for the fact that the agent told me
there was no lounge and gave me a Starbucks voucher instead. I
decided to make use of it and had a latte and a piece of cheesecake.
As I strolled towards Security, I spotted a sign and thought: What's this?
"Priority Pass lounge immediately after Security"! I couldn't
think of a single good reason not to sample it for 15-20 minutes before boarding the
(Link to flight log in side panel)
As I strode purposefully along the spacious corridors of Changi Airport, I broke into a broad smile and thought to myself: everything works here! I was able to walk right up to Immigration, my luggage appeared quickly and I was soon on board a cab and bound for the Conrad. As we glided along the East Coast Parkway, I smiled to myself again: Yes, indeed - everything really does work here!
arrival at the Conrad, I was immediately impressed by the atrium and
lobby. At the check-in desk, I distinctly heard the agent say: "Sir,
as you are a Diamond member, we have upgraded you to the Centennial
Suite itself". Well, this sounded good! And indeed, moments later I
was getting to know my delightful corner - actually, multi-cornered
- suite on the 24th floor. However it does seem as though the
check-in agent's words were a little over the top, as I now believe
that there are 20 such suites, plus a further five individually
named suites, on an increasing scale of grandeur. Despite that, I
was very pleased with my upgrade, but it was getting late and I lost
little time in getting settled down for the night.