This is: Round The World 2004
... as they say in these parts. It
was another beautifully warm, sunny morning in the Big Easy and I
was certainly hopeful that the good times would roll for me. Not
that I was in any great hurry, you understand. With such a long day
yesterday and with the clocks changing during the night, I figured I
really needed my beauty sleep
I eventually crawled out of bed at 0930, had an invigorating shower
and went out for breakfast. As I ate breakfast, I contemplated what
a funny thing language can be. Since arriving here, I had been
addressed as Baby
Boss and Mon ami.
From there, I went straight to the nearby turnaround for the famous St Charles Avenue vintage streetcars, a system that - along with San Francisco's much more well-known cable cars - has been elevated to the status of a US National Monument. I rode a car all the way to the end of the line, then split up the return journey, stopping off at those points that had struck me as interesting on the outbound leg. An absolute 'must' was the famous Garden District, with its exclusive mansions.
I had a toasted sandwich lunch in Friday's and
stopped off at my hotel room for a few minutes. Soon I was on the
road again, this time going back to the river front. I looked around
for a bit and then booked myself onto the 1600 cruise by the Cajun
Queen, which was a good way of getting some sun and fresh air,
without having to move a muscle
I decided to have a final evening
stroll around the French Quarter in the hope that it might be just a
little bit quieter than the day before. I had a delicious
steak & shrimp dinner (same food, different eatery!) at a place on
Bourbon Street. The steak was cooked to perfection and the meal was
most enjoyable, despite a family 'do' at the next table which went
wrong and split up tearfully