This is: Round The World 2004
San Francisco (SFO) - Boston (BOS)
I had been allocated seat 5A, which
was in the last row of First Class, but that was OK, because there
was a bulkhead behind me and I like that. The seats were the beige
leather ones that I remember seeing on a GLA-ORD service a decade
ago and were in 2+2 formation. They struck me as wider than the blue
seats on the 767 from HNL to SFO. Even before I sat down, I could
not help noticing crumbs in the little tray area between 5A and 5C
... not the best cleaning job in the world, then
Never mind ... I got rid of what I could and
ignored the remainder, concentrating instead on enjoying a
pre-takeoff glass of champagne.
We pushed back at 1411 and taxied across the end
of runway 28L to 28R. I was slightly startled to see an aircraft
landing on 28L very quickly indeed after we had crossed its path
We were airborne by 1422, making that
very steep climb so typical of the 757. Based on a previous SFO-LHR
flight with BA, I had thought that I would be on the wrong side of
the plane for a good city view. On that previous occasion, the 747
had climbed out over the ocean, then turned and overflew the Golden
Gate Bridge, giving those of us on the right a great view of San
Francisco. But of course the 757 climbs so much faster than a 747,
so the turn came much sooner and those of us on the left got the
view. Lucky me
Unfortunately we were over Oakland before the use of
electronic devices was authorised, otherwise I would have taken a
The meal service started with pre-dinner (was it "dinner"?) drinks and those lovely warmed nuts ... I had some more champagne. The starter was a combination of freshly made Caesar salad and some smoked salmon. The main course choices were salmon with rice and peas, or tortellini, or filet and potatoes. The steak was no longer being offered by the time they reached Row 5, so I took the pasta. For dessert, there was a choice of ice cream sundae or fresh fruit - I had the fruit. I had a glass of Chardonnay with the main part of the meal and some coffee afterwards.
The flight crossed a total of ten states (CA / NV / UT / CO / NE / IA / WI / MI / NY / MA) and, with a three hour time difference between the west and east coasts, darkness settled in surprisingly quickly.
Due to strong headwinds and a backlog of traffic into Logan caused by the torrential rainstorm that had plagued Boston all day, we landed well behind schedule at 2257. We arrived at the gate at 2308 and, as I looked out of the window in the darkness, I got the impression that the whole airport seemed to be under a couple of inches of water!