This is: Round The World 2004
"How quaint the ways of Paradox, |
At Common Sense she gaily mocks." |
W S Gilbert : The Pirates of Penzance (again!) |
I had only crossed the
International Date Line once before, on my previous RTW trip in
1991. The logical, scientific part of me understands completely that
there is nothing magical in it : I was simply getting back, in one
hefty chunk, all the time lost and still to be lost in smaller bites
as I progressed eastwards around the world. All the same, the other
half of my brain (whichever one it is - I can't remember
) thinks that there is something rather
special about getting up in the morning, travelling all day and
arriving at my destination the previous evening. Weird!
I had set my alarm for 0600 to ensure a stress-free departure from Sydney, now confirmed as one of my all-time favourite cities. I had a continental breakfast in the hotel, then simply finished my packing, checked out and caught a taxi to the airport. I checked-in for my flight, noting that all hold baggage was being opened and inspected. I made my way to the Qantas Club, which in my opinion was somewhat below the standard of the other Qantas lounges I had experienced up to now. Nothing major - it just showed a few signs of being older and more heavily used, I suppose. Anyway, time passed quickly enough and I made my way to the gate for the advertised boarding time of 1020.
(Link to flight log in side panel)
On arrival at HNL, the 'wiki-wiki' (i.e. shuttle bus) took us to the immigration and customs hall where I managed to be first through the barrier at my chosen desk. It was nothing drastic, but I don't remember ever before having to show my onward tickets or describe (and even justify!) my intended movements within the US. I took a shuttle to the hotel and arrived at about 0110, feeling quite tired.